25.0 – Ball Clay
25.0 – EPK
25.0 – Flint
12.5 – Cornwall Stone
12.5 – Nepheline Syenite
100 – Total
Then Add:
5.0 – Zircopax
5.0 – Frit 3124
25.0 – Ball Clay
25.0 – EPK
25.0 – Flint
12.5 – Cornwall Stone
12.5 – Nepheline Syenite
100 – Total
Then Add:
5.0 – Zircopax
5.0 – Frit 3124
What stage of moisture should the clay be to use this slip successfully?
[email protected]
I just joined Clayshare recently , love it and was looking for a slip recipe - low and behold you show one - yeah , super duper and thank you both .Before Clayshare watched you tubes of Jessica at play , now I can play along .
Ann Wilson 👩🎤
I just joined Clayshare, today is my first time watching as premium. I have used this slip recipe without mush success I used it on leather hard plate. It fell apart as i tried to use sgraffito on it. What am i doing wrong??
I don't believe this slip was deigned for sgrafitto. But hey, everyone has a different method for making wares.
Here is more info on the recipe I found online. Although minus adding a frit & the zircopax.
How do you reply to my question do you reply to my email at [email protected]
I guess I didn’t realize there was a recipe for slip. What I did was clean my clay after throwing, sieve it and let some of the water evaporate to get the consistency I wanted. Then I added black stain and put it in the squeeze bottle to slip trail with. It slip trails nicely but it doesn’t dry. That part I did not expect. Why is it not drying? I apply it to bisqueware and then bisque fire again. then add a layer of clear glaze and glaze fire. After that Some of the slip has slightly smudged and some slip is fine. Your thoughts please? Thank you.
Slip trailing is most effective if you apply to greenware well before bone dry stage, and definitely before bisque. I think your clay being at two very different levels of vitrification prevents them from bonding. The slip you made might not have had a chance to bond to itself during the bisque stage, because it wasn't bonded or dry when it went into the bisque- which is very important. Glazes are made with clay in the recipe to make it bond with the ceramic, it is probably mixing with the soft clay in your slip, which makes it melt with the glaze. I hope it helps!