Tray with Built-In Handles and Peacock Glazing

Tray with Built-In Handles and Peacock Glazing

You will love making these handbuilt trays with built in handles and peacock glazing technique! In this class we will use slab building techniques and our own handmade bisque tray mold (no worries you can use commercially available molds/forms as well) to shape a tray, then I will show you how to make great built in handles! This class is prefect for all skill levels and ages.

5 -7bs Clay rolled out to 3/8” slabs
Handbuilt tray mold or commercial mold/form
Ware board or slab mat to work on
Dolan 220s clay knife
Yellow and red mud tool ribs or your favorite ribs
Serrated Rib
Rolling pin
Banding Wheel
Bucket of water

Mayco Lavender Mist
Mayco Light Flux
Mayco Manganese Wash
Mayco Stroke and Coat Teal Next Time or Jaded

Tray with Built-In Handles and Peacock Glazing