Sunflower Mishima
Learn how to carve, inlay, and add color to your own beautiful Sunflower design. No need to have any drawing experience for this class. We provide the template and step by step instructions to walk you through the entire Mishima process.
This class is suitable for all ages and skill levels.
Tools and Materials
Leather hard light colored clay pot, plate, or any form you have
Wax resist, I am using Mr. Marks Wax on from the ceramic shop
Sponge brush
Black underglaze, I am using Speedball black underglaze
Carving tool, I am using a Diamond Core Tools L3 Diamond Stylus Tool
Chip Brush
Underglazes, you can use any brand underglaze, am using Paula McCoy’s Colors for Earth underglazes in: Sunflower, Curry, Laurel Green, Green Leaf, Mountain Laurel and Burnt Umber
Sumi brushes, small to medium size,
Clear glaze, I am using my 2167 glaze
Mayco #8 Fan brush
Sunflower Template
Plastic Paint palette
Plastic from an old bag of clay
Ball point Pen
Plastic to cover you pots while drying
Sunflower Mishima