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Learn pottery how you want, when you want with a caring, supportive community. We have hundreds of classes to help you learn all aspects of pottery and ceramics. Wheel throwing, hand building, glazing, firing, surface decoration, and more. Learn to make pottery forms of all kinds like mugs, cups, vases, plates and platters, pitchers, teapots, and decorative ceramic sculpture. We also have live weekly pottery tutorials and exclusive virtual workshops with renowned ceramic artists and teachers.
Replace Elements in Skutt Kiln
Learn how to replace the elements and thermocouple in your Skutt kiln.
Tools & Materials
New Kiln Elements
New Thermocouple
Phillips Screwdriver
Hollow Shaft Nut Driver or Deep Well Socket Set
Adjustable Crescent Wrench
Wire Cutters
Electricians Tool (optional)
Sharpie Marker
Masking Tape
Container (or baggie) for Hardware
Extendable Mirror (optional)
Kiln Cement