Pushing the Clay - Surface Texture Workshop

Pushing the Clay - Surface Texture Workshop

Saturday October 26 and November 2, 2024 1-3p eastern time

It's all about the texture in Lora Rust's workshop! For hand-builders and wheel-throwers, learn Lora’s unique pushing the clay process and create unlimited designs using her Texture Tool Kit (purchased separately at LoraRust.com).

2 sessions will cover learning the pushing the clay technique, tips on keeping the shape of your piece while manipulating the surface, design shortcuts using a grid and tool contours, and details how to make the texture “pop” when finished. Week 1 we'll practice using the various profiles of the tools and mastering the "pushing the clay" technique on slab tiles. Week 2 we'll texture a cup and a small bowl that you've made ahead of time - hand built or wheel-thrown! We'll save some time to talk about glazing. Hope you can join us!

What you'll need:
• Pushing the Clay Texture Tool Kit - Purchase directly at Lora's website: 4 tools for with 2 profiles each for $25. Free shipping for workshop participants by using discount code CLAYSHARE .
• Non-groggy clay like Laguna B-Mix - Lora will be using Laguna porcelain WC616
• 1/4" slab cut into approximately 4" x 4" squares - we'll use these in week 1 to practice the techniques and play with designs. Make as many as you want but 4-5 is a good start.
• Water bucket
• Pottery sponge
• Piece of foam approximately 10" x 10" square and 1" thick (upholstery or egg crate foam)- you'll use this to support your piece and your hand while texturing
• Hand towel
• Inexpensive watercolors and soft, thin brush for marking a grid
• Mister spray bottle with water
• Banding wheel (optional)
• Small flowerpot (optional)
• Dry-cleaning plastic or plastic grocery bag
• Concentric marking grid (provided)

Pushing the Clay - Surface Texture Workshop
  • Pushing the Clay Session 1

    It's all about the texture in Lora Rust's workshop! For hand-builders and wheel-throwers, learn Lora’s unique pushing the clay process and create unlimited designs using her Texture Tool Kit (purchased separately at LoraRust.com).

    2 sessions will cover learning the pushing the clay technique, ti...

  • Pushing the Clay Session 2

    It's all about the texture in Lora Rust's workshop! For hand-builders and wheel-throwers, learn Lora’s unique pushing the clay process and create unlimited designs using her Texture Tool Kit (purchased separately at LoraRust.com).

    2 sessions will cover learning the pushing the clay technique, ti...

  • 4ths-5ths-8ths-3rds-and-6ths.pdf

    268 KB

  • Surface-Texture-Glaze-Workshop-2p.pdf

    52.1 KB

  • Bibliography-Workshop-2019.pdf

    53.7 KB