Handbuilt Composite Vase
Learn how to make a composite vase with embellishments with this hand building class. In this class you will learn how to make various shapes from slabs including hollow forms and how to join them together to make a vase. Along with adding feet and handles we will cover different ways you can add embellishments to your vase. This class will use slab and coil building techniques and although it’s a bit more challenge is suitable for all ages and skill levels.
5lbs of Clay, rolled out to a 3/8” slab I am using Laguna Bmix 5 clay but any clay will work.
Oval Bisque mold or other mold to make a hollow form
Composite Vase Neck Template
Slip or Magic Water for joining
Clay Knife, I am using the Dolan 220s,
Flexible ribs, I am using the large yellow and #1 red Sherrill mud tool
Bowl or bucket of water
Serrated rib
Rolling pin for rolling out clay
Ware boards for working on and drying on, here I am using ¾” plywood
Bowl or pot to support vase while working on it
Sheet of plastic to cover while drying
Glaze Brushes
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