Glazing A Menorah

Glazing A Menorah

In this class you will learn 2 different ways to glaze a Menorah using brush on glazes and dip and pour glazes. This is a great class if you are interested in learning how to glaze unusual sized pieces and glazes for darker clays.
This class is perfect for all ages and skill levels.
Bisque Fired Menorah
Wax Resist, I am using Mr. Marks Wax On
Foam Bush
Small container
Container large enough to fit Menorah in
Bowl or bucket of water
Mayco Fan Brush
Sumi Brush
Dip and Pour Glazes Used:
Jess’s Chun
Brush on Glazes Used:
Amaco Smokey Merlot
Amaco Blue Rutile
Jess' Black Copper

Glazing A Menorah