Cactus Planter Magnet
These cute little planters can be made as magnets or hung on a wall. I'll also show you a free standing version too. They are a great project for using up scraps of clay and for testing out glazes.
This class is appropriate for all ages and skill levels.
Clay, About ½-1b. I am using Laguna Bmix5
Cactus Cookie Cutter (Link: )
¾” x ¼” strip of wood
Something for adding texture, stamps, rolling pins
Yellow Sherill Mud Tool Rib
Clay Knife, I love the Dolan 220S clay knife
Ware board or slab mat to work on
Serrated Rib
Rolling Pin or Slab Roller
Color/Clay Shaper
¼” hole cutter
Brush for Glaze
Kiln, your own or access to one
Also check out:
Carved Texture Roller Class:
Magic Water Recipe:
Water – 1 Gallon
Sodium Silicate (Liquid) – 3 Tablespoons
Soda Ash – 1.5 Teaspons
Cactus Planter Full Class
Cactus Planter Tools
Cactus Planter Making
Cactus Planter Free Standing
Cactus Planter Hole and Dry
Cactus Planter Glazing
Cactus Planter Add Magnet
Cactus Planter Wrap Up